Career publications, tools and links
Download a list of the many career and job search resources that are available in New Brunswick.
Do you need money to finance your education? Click the icon to access a list of scholarships, busaries and student loans.
Everything you need to know to do an effective job search.
Feeling "stuck" and don't know where to start with your career plan? Start here.
Local employment assistance service agencies
Emploment services for people with disabilities
Employment services for people with disabilities
Emploment services for people with criminal records
Emploment services for people with intellectual disabilities
Emploment services for newcomers to Canada
Employment services for people with challenging barriers to employment
Employment services for residents of Grand Manan Island
Access to job banks and resume writing services for residents in St.Stephen and surrounding areas
Please note:
This list of companies and job board links are for educational purposes only. Inclusion of these links on this website are not an endorsement of any organization, nor is The Work Room responsible for the content contained on third-party links. While every effort is made to keep the links accurate and current, occassionally broken / misdirected links do occur. Please contact if you experience a broken or misdirected link.
Find out more about the post secondary options available to students once they graduate and those planning a career change.
The Work Rooms offer a wide variety of free career publications and multimedia resource tools. In addition, there are many helpful websites available.The resources are colour-coded for the benefit of PACE users.
Getting Started/Identifying Interests
Researching Careers
The Six Post secondary Destinations
At some point in your career plan you may require some form of post-secondary training or employment experience. Here are some resources to get you started.
Private Training Schools
Community College
Direct to Work
Essential Skills
There are a series of nine skills sets that employers say are essential to success in the workplace. How do your skills measure up?
The Job Search
Interested in starting your own business?
Below are some quick links to popular local, regional and international job banks.